Mulai Maksimalkan CV mu dengan CV WRITING TIPS ini:
STEP 1 : Structure Your CV Effectively

Struktur CV yang efektif membantu pembaca menemukan informasi dengan cepat.
- Clear sections: Contact, Summary, Experience, Education, Skills
- Chronological order: Most recent experiences first
- Consistent formatting: Use the same font, size, and style throughout
STEP 2 : Craft a Compelling Summary

Ringkasan yang menarik memberikan kesan pertama yang kuat kepada pembaca
- Keep it brief: 2-3 sentences maximum
- Highlight key strengths: Focus on your unique selling points
- Tailor to the job: Align your summary with the position you’re applying for
STEP 3 : Showcase Your Experience

Pengalaman yang ditampilkan dengan baik menunjukkan prestasi dan kemampuan Anda.
- Use action verbs: “Led,” “Managed,” “Developed,” “Implemented”
- Quantify achievements: Include numbers and percentages where possible
- Focus on relevant experience: Prioritize jobs related to the position
STEP 4 : Highlight Key Skills

Keterampilan utama yang ditonjolkan membantu Anda menonjol di antara pelamar lain.
- Mix hard and soft skills: Technical abilities and interpersonal qualities
- Be specific: “Proficient in Python” instead of “Good with computers”
- Match job requirements: Align your skills with those in the job description
STEP 5 : Education and Certifications

Informasi pendidikan dan sertifikasi menunjukkan kualifikasi formal Anda.
- List degrees: Include institution, major, and graduation year
- Add relevant coursework: If it’s directly related to the job
- Include certifications: Professional qualifications and completion dates
STEP 6 : Optimize for ATS

Optimalisasi untuk ATS memastikan CV Anda lolos seleksi awal secara otomatis.
- Use standard headings: “Work Experience,” “Education,” “Skills”
- Include keywords: Match terms from the job description
- Avoid graphics and tables: Stick to simple, text-based formatting
STEP 7 : Common Mistakes to Avoid

Menghindari kesalahan umum meningkatkan profesionalisme CV Anda.
- Typos and grammatical errors: Proofread multiple times
- Including personal information: Avoid mentioning age, marital status, etc.
- Using an unprofessional email address: Create a simple, professional email
STEP 8 : Final Touches

Sentuhan akhir memastikan CV Anda terlihat rapi dan mudah dibaca.
- Keep it concise: Aim for 1-2 pages maximum
- Use white space: Ensure your CV is easy to read
- Save as PDF: Maintain formatting across different devices